We are happy to announce that Kubios HRV mobile application is now released for Android (coming soon to iOS). The Kubios HRV app brings our heart rate variability (HRV) algorithms, used by scientists all over the world, to everybody for monitoring their own wellbeing. Kubios HRV app has two modes of operation:
- Readiness Measurement mode for athletes and individuals who want to monitor changes in their daily readiness status. By doing short (1-5 mins), controlled resting HRV measurements regularly, you will receive reliable information about your physiological recovery, how it changes from day to day, and how your HRV values compare with normal population values. Recovery monitoring is used by professional athletes in training optimization but can also be used by sports enthusiasts or anyone interested in their wellbeing, as it provides objective information about overall bodily stress as well as cardiovascular health.
- Custom Measurement mode is designed for researchers, health and wellbeing professionals, and sport scientists for performing various types of HRV recordings. NOTE: This mode runs in demo mode for now, i.e. your data is not stored.
In order to use the app, you need to have a Bluetooth HR sensor supporting RR data. For example, the app is compatible with Polar H10 and OH1 sensors.

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