Sport and Exercise Analytics

The Sport and Exercise Analytics service seamlessly integrates Kubios’ advanced HRV-based physiological performance analysis algorithms into your sports or fitness application. Designed for full-session HRV recordings, this service provides a detailed set of metrics that enable users to monitor training load, intensity distribution, and heart rate recovery effectively.

About Kubios Sport and Exercise Analytics

This analytics endpoint is tailored specifically for sport and exercise HRV measurements, delivering precise and personalized HRV-based physiological performance assessments.

  • About HRV: Heart rate variability is a proven, non-invasive tool for objectively assessing autonomic nervous system balance, giving valuable insights into training load, intensity, and recovery.
  • Validated Algorithms: Kubios’ HRV algorithms are scientifically validated and trusted by professionals worldwide. Used by over 1,800 universities across 149 countries, they bring accurate, trusted insights to your sports app.
  • Reliable and Easy to Integrate: Kubios’ analysis services run on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and use a RESTful API architecture for seamless integration.

Key Features

The service includes advanced pre-processing and a comprehensive set of physiological metrics, offering in-depth insights into exercise load, performance, and recovery.

  • Accurate Pre-processing: Advanced noise detection, beat correction, and detrending algorithms ensure high-quality HRV data.
  • Cardiorespiratory Function: Includes heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RESP), with RESP estimated directly from HRV data via a validated algorithm (see validation paper).
  • Training Effect: Training impulse (TRIMP) calculated using Banister’s exponential model, which reflects training intensity and volume by modeling lactate accumulation.
  • Metabolic Profile: Including ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2), oxygen uptake (VO2), and energy expenditure (EE). VT1 and VT2 are estimated using a validated algorithm that combines HR, RESP, and HRV fractal analysis.
  • Instantaneous Values and Zones: HR, RESP, TRIMP, VT, VO2, and EE are computed every 5 seconds, with zone distributions providing detailed insights into training volume and intensity distribution.
  • Heart Rate Recovery (HRR): If the recording includes a recovery period, HRR is automatically calculated at 60, 120, and 300-second intervals, as well as fast HRR (30 seconds).

Learn more about these performance metrics in the Sport and Exercise Analysis blog post.

Kubios HRV ventilatory thresholds and oxygen consumption

Specifications & Pricing

API Specifications:

  • Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • RESTful API architecture
  • API documentation available upon request
  • Integration support from our experienced developers
  • Input: RR interval data and demographics details in JSON format
  • Processing time: 2-3 seconds per 30-90 minute exercise session depending on network speed


  • Registration Fee (setup and integration support)
  • Starting at: 500 USD / month + sales tax, VAT, or GST (up to 5,000 requests per month)
Kubios HRV Analysis Services

Please contact us for pricing details and additional information about the service.

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